Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One Step Closer

Well, I landed an interview.

My local WIC office is hiring a Peer to Peer Breastfeeding Counselor. I wrote a kick ass cover letter, and sent in my resume and now I have an interview on Thursday. And I haven't had an interview that didn't result in a job offer since '04. Yeah, 7 YEARS. 9 jobs. I'm trying not to be overconfident, but I'm feeling pretty good about this.

Downside: Two of my friends also applied. There are two positions available, but three of us applied.

Upside: The position is for an at home, on the phone job. Should I need to come in to the office, the kids come with me. Plus, it's evenings and weekends so it won't interfere with Husband's schedule.

Interviews are being held Thursday and Friday, so I'm guessing I'll know next week. So exciting.

If we were still living a more primitive lifestyle, I would so be a hunter. Gathering, endurance - totally not my thing. I like the hunt. I like the chase. Sometimes I miss getting someone to ask me out. I don't want a relationship with anyone else, I don't even want to date anyone else except to get the poor shmuck in question to up his ante. It's the challenge that is so alluring. Getting a job is way more fun than working a job. Getting a date is more fun than working on a relationship. Chasing a prey, being the predator is more fun that picking berries or planting and waiting.

So this is pretty exciting for me.


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