Sunday, July 10, 2011

Alaska is a Funny Place

Beyond my window is a small porch. Beyond the small porch is a small stand of trees. Beyond the small trees is a small university, and beyond the small university is a the largest open space this side of outer space, but that part is irrelevant. A couple small birds frequent these trees and they seem to be outlandishly stupid. Several times a day one of them goes 'THUNK' into my window. It just flies head on into the glass. I know that the glass reflects the trees and gives the appearance of tempting trees to these stupid birds, but the reflection isn't pristine. It's dark and vague and the reflected trees are a little out of focus.

That should probably be a metaphor for something. I don't know what yet. I do know that these dumb birds are endlessly entertaining for both me and my one year old. I worry sometimes that I shouldn't be so entertained by the things she is. Like my sense of humor should be more mature, more developed. It isn't.


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