Wednesday, February 9, 2011

THe best $5 I've ever spent

My little love has a bit of a crush on Hermey the Elf. Rudolf is pretty fantastic and he is by far her favorite character of all time (not that she's been given much of a selection to choose from) but she grins sheepishly and murmurs Hermey's name with a very special affection.

For the most part, we've tried to stick to the 'No TV Before Age 2' rule. But we decided to let her watch cartoons while we flew to and from our Christmas vacation. Then, just before we left, we all got sick. While Hubster was trying to finish his final papers for the semester. We let her start on TV a bit early. Since the vacation, we've let her watch a little TV here and there.

No matter what we offer her, all she wants to see is "Ru-olf". She thinks Rudolf is as good as it gets. When I saw this box 'o books for $5, I bought it, and we've read all the books, several times, every day since.

She is just so much fun!


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