Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Let's Get This Show on the Road!

I am so ready to be done being pregnant. I am so ready to meet this new baby girl. Husband has a lot of things he needs to get done before the baby can come. Humph. Waiting is not my favorite.

So far, I'm taking EPO 2x per day and drinking my RRL tea super strong, but otherwise not doing anything to start labor. I told DH I'd give him another week or so, and then I'm going for it. I've been having contractions all day (they woke me up this morning actually) and I have lots to do tomorrow so I'm expecting some then too. They're BH contractions, so they're probably not doing me much good. But hey, a girl can dream right?

Let's go, baby! Let's have our very first face to face meeting. Anytime. You know how to reach me.


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