Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Could it all be coming together?

We've been considering a new name: Stella Nanette.

Actually, we just came up with that this morning. We took the day off from induction methods and just rested. My loving hubby got someone to cover his class this morning and we just enjoyed life as a family of three. The name Stella is featured in a jazz standard "Stella by Starlight" that Frank Sinatra sang (among many other people). The lyrics:

The song a robin sings,
Through years of endless springs,
The murmur of a brook at eventide,
That ripples by a nook where two lovers hide.

That great symphonic theme,
That's Stella by starlight,
And not a dream,
My heart and I agree,
She's everything on earth to me.

That great symphonic theme,
That's Stella by starlight,
And not a dream,
My heart and i agree,
She's everything on earth to me.

This song is so pretty. I've been singing it all day.

We're also supposed to have a good auroral show tonight. How cool would it be if she were born under a beautiful Northern Lights show? I mean really, how COOL would that be?!

Now for the kicker: Stella is a Latin word meaning star. Did I just blow your mind? That ties together her name, a beautiful song, and the heavens themselves for her birth. I expect nothing less for my kids.


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