Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Attempts at Eviction

I posted about yesterday's failed labor attempt. Today we tried:
spicy lunch
nipple stimulation
acupressure (twice)
good long walk
RRL (several times)
5W herbs

I'm planning on more nipple stimulation, more acupressure points, and possible more sex and/or EPO before bed. Or, I was.

Suddenly, I'm getting a few good, painful contractions. Nothing regular or very intense yet, but certainly the best ones I've had this pregnancy. Maybe the sense of calm and peace about the birth is helping.

I realized during church this morning that I will never again be pregnant with this child. I will never again have the opportunity to mother this child the way I am now. I will never again be able to partner with God in this way (though breastfeeding is close). So I'm going to enjoy it. I'm going to treasure these minutes as they tick away. Each one is a gift.

I'm off to read positive birth affirmations. "I can do this." "I was made to do this." type stuff. Peace, calm, and love, my friends. That's the way to induce labor.


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