Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Uterus: A Wretched Tease

Actually, my tease of a feminine organ may have something to do with how I got myself into this situation. /tangent

Yesterday afternoon we went for a walk. A nice long walk, stirred up some decent contractions. Came home, did some accupressure points, drank some STRONG red raspberry leaf tea. Wound up with contractions in this pattern:

[Go ahead and pretend you see a screen shot of contraction master here. The pattern was something like this: contractions lasting 45 seconds to a minute, about every 5 minutes.]

Then my contractions continued at a fast pace, with nice long durations, for a little while and then just stopped completely. Just, nothing. Nada.

Now I ask you, how RUDE is that?! The contractions weren't very intense, so I wasn't convinced it was real labor, but man, the pattern was starting to get me. That frequency is supposed to quickly bring about pushing, and then a head!

We're trying to devise a plan of attack for today. Walking, accupressure, sex, red raspberry leaf, nipple stimulation, whatever it takes. Or maybe we'll take a day off? pffft.


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